The part where people feel the biggest objection to using a Mac is the accessibility to Hangul files. Conversely, one of the most inconvenient parts for Mac users is Hangul. I, too, could not avoid Hangul files for school assignments, government assignments, and personal research and thesis, but at least I was able to manage my work with Hangul 2014 vp, which was released in 2014.
The program that gave love and hate to all Mac users in Korea. 한컴독스 구독 취소
However, continuing to use programs from 8 years ago was problematic. One of the most inconvenient among them was the lack of dark mode support. If you think about it, even 8 years ago, things like high contrast mode or dark mode were not familiar to the general public. However, in 2022, not only computers, but also mobile phones and tablets, even smart watches and game consoles support dark mode, but it was difficult to understand that a document editing program that has to be used for a long time does not support it. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
Besides the dark mode, there were many problems that Hangul 2014 could not be used as the main document editing tool. This is the case when attaching a photo often only appears as a black screen, or when opening and editing a problem written in a higher version due to a version problem, the format or attachments are broken. Given this situation, it seems that I mainly use other document editing tools with good compatibility and lightness, and use Hangul lightly only when it is unavoidable.
Until 2021, Mac users edited Korean documents in this environment.
Then, around November of last year, rumors from unknown sources began to circulate in the Mac user community. It was rumored that a new version of Hangul for Mac would be released in 2022. However, since rumors like this circulated every year at the end of the year, most people did not believe them. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard of a new release of Hangul for Mac, so I thought it would be the case, but this time it doesn’t seem like a rumor.
Hancom Office, who looked straight ahead for the first time in 8 years.
Finally, in 2022, after an 8-year hiatus, Hancom Office will launch Hancom Docs, a new Korean document editing program that can be used on Mac as well; Hangul 2022 was introduced. In a word, Hancom Docs is a cloud service for Hancom Office documents, which includes various document editing programs of Hancom Office that are compatible with files such as Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF as well as Korean. In addition, if you use Hancom Docs, you can access Hancom Office files from your mobile phone or tablet, and you can edit as well as view them. This will be described in detail later.
Anyway, just in time, a radio program offered me a liberal arts lecture on psychology, and I had to edit the file I had been working on before and replace it with a radio script. Luckily, I am able to experience Hancom Docs this time, so I would like to handle the work in Hangul 2022.
Hangeul is finally softened