How to cancel your Disney Plus account
Disney Plus is an online video streaming service that provides a variety of content including Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. There are two main ways to cancel your Disney Plus account.
1. Withdrawal through website
Here’s how to cancel your Disney Plus account through the website:
Go to the Disney Plus homepage.
Click the profile icon in the top right. 디즈니플러스 계정 탈퇴
Select “Account” from the drop-down menu.
Click the “Settings” tab.
Click the “Cancel Account” button. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
Enter the reason for withdrawal and click the “Withdraw” button.
A verification code will be sent to your email. Enter the verification code and click the “Next” button.
Your withdrawal is complete when you see the message “Your withdrawal is complete.”
2. Withdrawal through customer center
Here’s how to cancel your Disney Plus account through the customer center:
Contact Disney Plus Customer Center by phone or chat.
Explain the reason for withdrawal and request account cancellation.
A customer center employee will process your withdrawal.
When you cancel your Disney Plus account, you should keep the following in mind:
There are no refunds for any remaining membership period at the time of withdrawal.
After withdrawal, you will not be able to use all Disney Plus content.
After withdrawal, data stored in your account will be deleted.
Before canceling your Disney Plus account, please read the above precautions and decide carefully.
Instructions on how to withdraw through the website
Cancellation of your Disney Plus account through the website involves the following steps.
Go to the Disney Plus homepage.
Click the profile icon in the top right.
Select “Account” from the drop-down menu.
Click the “Settings” tab.
Click the “Cancel Account” button.
You will now need to enter a reason for leaving. You can freely enter the reason for withdrawal. For example, you could say something like “I’m switching to a different streaming service and I’m canceling” or “I’m dissatisfied with the service and I’m canceling.”
Once you have entered your reason for withdrawing, click the “Withdraw” button.
A verification code will be sent to your email. Enter the verification code and click the “Next” button.
Finally, when you see the message “Your withdrawal is complete,” your withdrawal is complete.
Instructions on how to withdraw through customer center
Cancellation of your Disney Plus account through the customer center proceeds as follows.
Contact Disney Plus Customer Center by phone or chat.
Explain the reason for withdrawal and request account cancellation.
A customer center employee will process your withdrawal.
If you request withdrawal by calling customer service, please prepare the following information.
Disney Plus account ID
Reason for withdrawal
If you request withdrawal through chat, please enter the following information.
Disney Plus account ID
Reason for withdrawal
When you cancel your Disney Plus account, you should keep the following in mind: