kt 디즈니플러스 해지 KT Disney Plus cancellation, summary of methods and procedures

How to cancel KT Disney Plus

There are two main ways to cancel the Disney Plus subscription provided by KT.

1. How to use the KT My Shop app

The KT My Shop app is an app that any KT customer can use, and provides a variety of services such as telecom bill inquiry, rate plan change, and subscription and cancellation of additional services.

Here’s how to cancel Disney Plus using the KT My Shop app. kt 디즈니플러스 해지

Run the KT My Shop app and log in.

Select Additional Services at the bottom of the screen. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
KT My Shop app additional service screen imageOpen in a new window
KT My Shop app additional service screen

Select Disney Plus.

kt 디즈니플러스 해지

Select Cancel.

Select a reason for cancellation and press OK.

Once you complete the above process, your Disney Plus subscription will be cancelled. Cancellation is immediate, and fees for any remaining period after cancellation are non-refundable.

2. How to use KT Customer Center

You can also cancel Disney Plus by calling KT Customer Center.

The KT customer service phone number is as follows:


Here’s how to cancel Disney Plus by calling KT Customer Center.

Call KT Customer Center and connect with a counselor.
Ask the agent to cancel Disney Plus.
Proceed with the cancellation procedure as instructed by the agent.
Once you complete the above process, your Disney Plus subscription will be cancelled. Cancellation is immediate, and fees for any remaining period after cancellation are non-refundable.

How to cancel when using in-app payment

If you subscribe to KT’s smartphone plan that includes Disney Plus, you may have subscribed through in-app payment in the Disney Plus app.

In this case, you can cancel directly from the Disney Plus app.

Here’s how to cancel directly from the Disney Plus app:

Launch the Disney Plus app.
Select your profile at the bottom of the screen.
Disney+ app profile screen imageOpen in new window

Disney Plus app profile screen
Select an account.
Disney+ app account screen imageOpen in new window

Disney Plus app account screen
Select a membership.
Disney+ app membership screen imageOpen in a new window

Disney Plus app membership screen
Select Cancel Membership.
Disney+ app membership cancellation screen imageOpens in a new window

Disney Plus app membership cancellation screen
Select a reason for cancellation and press OK.
Once you complete the above process, your Disney Plus subscription will be cancelled. Cancellation is immediate, and fees for any remaining period after cancellation are non-refundable.

Things to watch out for

When canceling KT Disney Plus, you must pay attention to the following:

Fees vary depending on when you cancel.
If you have not accessed or viewed your digital content within 7 days of your payment date, you may cancel your subscription by contacting Customer Service. In this case, the fee for the remaining period after cancellation will be refunded.
If more than 7 days have passed since the payment date, fees for the remaining period after cancellation will not be refunded.
If you use in-app purchases, you must cancel directly from the Disney Plus app.
Above, you have learned more about how to cancel KT Disney Plus.