Google Safe Search is a feature that filters out inappropriate or pornographic images from Google search results. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including parental control and business search.
However, if Google Safe Search is enabled, it may be difficult to find the information you want. For example, when you want to find specialized information in a specific field or appreciate a work of art, Google Safe Search can get in the way.
In this case, you can disable Google Safe Search. Disabling Google Safe Search is very simple, and can be done in the following way.
Disable Google Safe Search on your computer 구글 세이프서치 해제
Enter “” in the Google search box to go to the Google account management page.
If you are not using a Google account, click “Create Account” to create an account.
Click the “Privacy & Personalization” tab at the top of the page. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
You can also click “Privacy & Personalization” in the menu on the left side of the page.
In the “Privacy” section, click “Search.”
You can also click “Search” in the menu on the left side of the page.
In the “SafeSearch” section, click the drop-down menu for “Enable SafeSearch.”
You can also click the “Settings” button next to “Enable SafeSearch.”
Select “Disabled”.
Click “Save”.
Disable Google Safe Search on mobile
Open the Google app.
Click “More” at the bottom of the screen.
Click “Settings”.
Click “Privacy and Security.”
Click “Search.”
Click “Safe Search.”
Click the drop-down menu for “Enable SafeSearch.”
Select “Disabled”.
Click “Save”.
Things to keep in mind when disabling Google Safe Search
If you disable Google Safe Search, there is a risk that children or teenagers may encounter inappropriate information. Therefore, please keep the following in mind:
If your child or teen uses Google, consider resetting Google SafeSearch.
Consider using Google Family Link to help protect your children.
Avoid using search terms that may lead to inappropriate information.
If you pay attention to the above, you can protect the safety of children or teenagers while disabling Google Safe Search.
Turn off Google Safe Search, this will be done in 10 seconds
Disabling Google Safe Search is very simple. By following these steps on both computer and mobile, you can disable Google SafeSearch in just 10 seconds.
Disable Google Safe Search on your computer
Go to the Google account management page.
Click the “Privacy & Personalization” tab.
Click the “Search” section.
Click the drop-down menu for “Enable SafeSearch.”
Select “Disabled”.
Click “Save”.
Disable Google Safe Search on mobile