쿠팡플레이 pip Don’t miss out on Coupang Play! Activate PiP mode now

Don’t miss out on Coupang Play! Activate PiP mode now (1,000 characters or more)
If you are a user who enjoys Coupang Play on your smartphone, you will not want to miss out on Coupang Play while using multiple apps at the same time. In this case, Coupang Play’s PiP (Picture in Picture) mode is useful. PiP mode is a function that allows you to play Coupang Play videos on a small screen simultaneously while using other apps.

1. How to use PiP mode

Step 1: Run the Coupang Play app: Run the Coupang Play app and play the desired video. 쿠팡플레이 pip
Step 2: Press the home button: Press the home button on your smartphone while playing a video.
Step 3: Check PiP mode: A small Coupang Play video screen will appear at the top of the home screen. Now you can continue watching videos while using other apps.
2. Tips for using PiP mode

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Adjust screen position: You can adjust the PiP mode screen by pressing and holding it and dragging it to the desired position.
Screen resizing: You can resize the PiP mode screen by spreading or pinching it out with two fingers. 픽잇스마트

Phoneme playback controls: Tap the PiP mode screen to reveal a play/pause button.
Maximize screen: Double-tap the PiP mode screen to play the video in full screen.
Exit PiP mode: Swipe down on the PiP mode screen to exit PiP mode.
3. Devices that support PiP mode

PiP mode is available on smartphones that support Android 8.0 or higher and iOS 9 or higher.

4. Precautions

PiP mode may not be supported on some devices or apps.
Using PiP mode may increase battery consumption.
Driving while using PiP mode can be dangerous, so be careful.
5. Additional information

For more information about Coupang Play PiP mode, please refer to the following link: