쿠팡 멤버십 가격 인상 Coupang Wow, membership price increase by 58%… Has ‘Wow’ disappeared?

Coupang, controversy over ‘customer exploitation’ by raising membership prices… Am I the only one who found it expensive?
Coupang Wow membership increased again after 2 years and 4 months

On April 12, Coupang announced that it would increase the fee for its paid membership, ‘Wow Membership’, by 58.1% from 4,990 won to 7,890 won per month. This increase comes two years and four months after the WoW membership price was increased from 2,900 won to 4,990 won in December 2021.

쿠팡 멤버십 가격 인상

Reasons for increases and major benefit changes 쿠팡 멤버십 가격 인상

Coupang cited improved service quality and increased investment in building delivery infrastructure as the reasons for this increase. In fact, Coupang has recently been actively investing in revamping the Coupang Play service and expanding rocket delivery. However, some users are pointing  out that the increase is too large and that the correlation with actual service quality improvement is unclear. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기



Key benefits of WoW membership include free shipping, free viewing of Coupang Play, and discounts on Coupang Eats. With this increase, some benefits have also been adjusted. For example, Rocket Delivery benefits were limited from twice a day to once a day, and the Coupang Eats discount rate was also partially adjusted.

Consumer complaints and concerns

There is strong dissatisfaction among consumers regarding the Coupang membership price increase. The main complaints are:

Unreasonable increase: There are many opinions that the 58.1% increase is burdensome. In particular, it feels like a bigger burden amidst the recent rise in prices.
Reason for unclear increase: Coupang explains that it is an investment to improve service quality, but many point out that the actual change in service quality is minimal.
Unilateral benefit adjustments: Some benefit reductions or adjustments are made without prior notice, adding to dissatisfaction.
Lack of alternative services: Some say that Coupang’s competitive advantage has grown, making it difficult to choose alternative services.
Coupang’s position and search for solutions

Coupang said it is aware of consumers’ complaints and is seeking various solutions. Specific measures are being considered to introduce a membership level system, provide a benefit selection system, and provide discount benefits depending on the purchase amount.

Consumers need to make wise choices

With the Coupang membership price increase, it is important for consumers to reconsider the benefits and costs and decide whether it is right for them. Also, it is a good idea to compare it with other online shopping mall membership services.

The Coupang membership price increase can be seen as an example of changes in the online shopping market. Consumers should become wiser consumers through this example.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

(Reference material)

[Coupang passes on the cost of ‘live ammunition’ for the war against Ali and Temu to members](